
Fun Facts on Wholesome and Delicious Pizza

Have you ever thought of featuring fun pizza trivia facts on your menu or pizza boxes to go along with your wholesome and delicious items? If you have Liked DeIorio Foods on Facebook then you already have a plethora of fun facts about pizza, but...

frozen pizza dough balls manufacturer
Deep Dish, Songs, and Commercial Pizza Dough in the 20th Century

Pizza has a long and sordid history. So long and so complicated in fact, that it can be broken down into different eras, and different regions. Here we’ll look at the quick history of American pizza in the 20th century – it includes everything from...

frozen pizza dough balls manufacturer
How Much Pizza Dough Was Used for the World’s Biggest Pizza?

You may have thought that you and your friends have gotten huge pizzas before, but just how big was the world’s largest homemade pizza? And how much pizza dough was needed to make it? The world’s largest pizza was made on December 8, 1990 by a...

prosciutto, tomato, mushroom & arugula pizza on peel
The Arrival of Homemade Pizza in America

Wholesome and delicious homemade pizza originated in the Naples in the 1830s, but it had to make its way to America at some time. That time was 1905, when Anthony “Totonno” Pero worked at a grocery store called  Gennaro Lombardi’s in New York City’s Little...

newest frozen pizza dough products
October Is the Month to Celebrate Homemade Pizza!

Did you know that it’s National Pizza Month this month? And no, it doesn’t have to be just homemade pizza either. Restaurants, pizzerias, and cafeterias around the country use this month of the year to run specials on their menu items; and it can be...

DeIorios Foods
Dusting Your Pizza Dough: Flour, or Cornmeal?

You can bet that whether you’re currently dusting the bottom of your wholesale pizza dough with flour or cornmeal, your customers notice. And they have a preference. Whichever one is most authentic is debatable, but which one is tastiest is not. That’s cornmeal, hands down. The...

wholesale dough manufacturer
What’s the Difference Between Thick and Thin Pizza Crust?

When first considering the differences between thick and thin pizza crust, they might seem pretty obvious. One is thick, while the other is not. And while that may sum up what’s different between the two, they do each have their own intended purposes; and your...

par baked pizza
How to Properly Cook Frozen Pizza Dough

When restaurants first start considering ordering frozen pizza dough, they often wonder how to cook it. Does the texture change when frozen, and do you need to compensate for that? Or will it be watery or soggy, after being frozen and thawed? The truth is,...

Artichoke pizza
Stuffing Your Frozen Pizza Dough

When it comes to the type of pizza you make in your restaurant, you may look at offering different types of dough in order to please the crowd. And while offering choices such as whole wheat pizza dough and New York pizza dough is a...