Food Safety CheckFood Safety and Quality Standards

Pizza safety doesn’t just mean protecting the roof of your mouth. For us, it means producing safe quality foods our customers can take pride in. We take food safety and quality very seriously. We adhere to and exceed food safety standards set by the Food Safety Modernization Act​ (FSMA) and the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HAACP) program.

Our customer’s health is our number one priority.  That’s why we offer individually packaged dough balls  (10 oz +), dough flats, and pizza shells.

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) Safety Guidelines


At DeIorios, we are committed to executing safety measures according to ​HACCP Codex Alimentarius requirements to ensure the product that reaches our customers is not only the best tasting – but also safe for consumption.


The H​ACCP food safety system was created in 1992 and revised in 1995 by the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods.​ They established a systematic approach to analyze and control all aspects of food production, from raw material to distribution. The HACCP standards are key to making sure foods are processed, shipped, stored, and sold in the safest way possible.


We have applied the​ HACCP guidelines to create a​ specific and systematic a​pproach to safely manufacturing and distributing all of our products. Food safety is not just microbiological testing, but also preventing chemical and physical contamination.


The seven principles guidelines on how to identify, evaluate, and control food safety hazards are critical to a successful HACCP plan.


These HACCP Guidelines are:

(1) Conduct a hazard analysis,
(2) Determine the critical control points,
(3) Establish critical limits,
(4) Establish monitoring procedures,
(5) Establish corrective actions,
(6) Establish verification procedures, and
(7) Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures.

Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Helps Ensure Safe Environments


At DeIorios, we know that preventing foodborne illnesses is better than responding to them. We are happy to work within the guidelines of the ​Food Safety Modernization Act.​


Signed into law in January of 2011, the FSMA regulates food growing, harvesting, and processing. Adhering to FSMA regulations is a priority for us. Expanding the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) powers to include recall authority, and requiring the FDA to create a host of reports, standards, and notices. ​Congress enacted FSMA in response to dramatic changes in the global food system and in our understanding of food-borne illness and its consequences, including the realization that preventable food-borne illness is both a significant public health problem and a threat to the economic well-being of the food system.


We know that through FSMA training and FSMA compliance we can help prevent food-borne illnesses and produce the best product for our customers.

Safe Quality Food Standards


DeIorios is proud to be certified by the Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI). The SQF program certifies that the food you’re getting meets international standards for safety and quality from the farm to your hands. The certification recognizes that we pay great attention to the sourcing, processing, and handling of all our pizza and dough products.


The Safe Quality Food program is respected by all sectors of the food processing industry and holding the certification benefits both our customers and us as a company. With SQF compliance, we work to ensure our suppliers are properly vetted and hold certifications in SQF, BRC or another GFSI certification to maintain the high standards that we have and pass to our customers. Our customers can rest assured knowing that we are HACCP compliant and Made in an FDA Registered Facilityrecognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).


SQF certifications show that we hold our product to the highest standards of quality and safety from raw material to distribution.

Equipment and Facility Sanitation


DeIorio’s utilizes industry proven sanitation and sanitizing methods for both our equipment and facility. With food safety being our number one priority, we monitor and test our sanitation materials and methods on a consistent basis to ensure we are using the most effective products and methods at all times.

Food Safety for Our Pizza Supplies


DeIorios employs a consistent food safety plan and food safety management system to ensure our products get to you as safe as possible. Our quality assurance technicians monitor production processes to ensure compliance with all food safety regulations.


We’re committed to:

  • Using state of the art manufacturing, freezing, and individual packaging systems
  • Continually investing and developing new technologies for our pizza dough manufacturing processes
  • The utilization of extensive, credible and verifiable third party food processing inspectors means we’ll continue to exceed the standards set for us
  • Industry proven sanitationGet high-quality dough products that will please your customers and keep their end-users safe. C​ontact us for more information​!
individually wrapped dough balls and dough shells