Fun Facts on Wholesome and Delicious Pizza

Have you ever thought of featuring fun pizza trivia facts on your menu or pizza boxes to go along with your wholesome and delicious items? If you have Liked DeIorio Foods on Facebook then you already have a plethora of fun facts about pizza, but here are a few more fun pizza facts to add to your ever-growing pizza knowledge:

  • Pizza is a $30 billion industry every year.
  • Individually, Americans eat about 46 slices of pizza every year. That’s about 23 pounds!
  • Each year, approximately 3 billion pizzas are sold in the United States.
  • According to Gallup, kids aged 3-11 prefer pizza for lunch or dinner compared to all other foods.
  • Pepperoni is the most popular pizza topping in the United States.
  • Americans eat about 251,770,000 pounds of pepperoni every year.
  • Anchovies are the least favorite pizza topping among Americans.
  • In India, pickled ginger, minced mutton, and tofu are popular pizza toppings.
  • In Brazil, they like to top their pizza pies with green peas.
  • Russians, unlike Americans, love fish on their pizza with popular toppings such as sardines, tuna, mackerel, and salmon.

Now you know, and you can help us here at DeIorios Foods Inc. celebrate the month of October, National Pizza Month by passing it on! And, if you don’t already, be sure to Like DeIorio’s on Facebook and Follow @DeIorios on Twitter for more Pizza Facts!