What’s the Difference Between Thick and Thin Pizza Crust?

wholesale dough manufacturer
When first considering the differences between thick and thin pizza crust, they might seem pretty obvious. One is thick, while the other is not. And while that may sum up what’s different between the two, they do each have their own intended purposes; and your own preference may all depend on what you want to eat on your pizza.

Pizza that has a thick crust is considered to be the most traditional form of pizza. The pizza dough on this style isn’t really much of a dough at all but rather, a bread that forms the bottom and side layers of what could very well be labeled a casserole rather than pizza. The advantage to this type of pizza is that you can load it up with as many toppings as you’d like and fit it all comfortably in. Just make sure that you offer your customers knives and forks when they order it! Because of the thickness of these pizzas, they do take longer to cook in the oven so they can cook evenly and completely.

Thin crust pizza, such as New York style pizza dough, is much thinner, and usually the same width from the crust to the very edge of the pizza slices. This crust can be fired off very quickly; but because of the delicateness of the dough, they are also usually limited to one or two toppings. Some customers prefer this type of crust because of its crispy and crunchy texture.

Offering your customers both thin and thick pizza crust opens up their choices, and opens up the doors to your business to more people. When you need either type, get it from us here at DeIorios!