How Much Pizza Dough Was Used for the World’s Biggest Pizza?

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You may have thought that you and your friends have gotten huge pizzas before, but just how big was the world’s largest homemade pizza? And how much pizza dough was needed to make it?

The world’s largest pizza was made on December 8, 1990 by a grocery store in Johannesburg, South Africa. The feat was attempted solely to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records, and they succeeded. This pizza measured a staggering 121 feet in diameter. If you have trouble imagining how big that is, imagine a local store’s 3-lane parking lot being covered by a giant pizza!

To make the pizza, you can imagine that several thousand pounds of several different ingredients were required. Those were: 9900 pounds of flour; 19800 pounds of tomato puree; 3690 pounds of cheese; and 19800 pounds of chopped onions. That’s a whole lot of dough!

But, that’s just the record for the world’s largest circular pizza. Bill Bahr, an assistant manager at the Pizza Ranch, also wanted to make the history books and so he set about trying to make the world’s largest rectangular pizza. Bahr did document the event, and the pizza he and commissioned volunteers created ended up being a total of 129 feet by 98.6 feet, or 12,719 square feet. While this very well could have gotten Bill into the record books, a Guinness representative was not available on the day he made it and so, it remains an unofficial record book.

Want to give your try at making the biggest pizza in the world? Then come to DeIorios Foods Inc. to get your dough first!