Youtiao is Just Frozen Breadsticks Twisted Together!

Youtiao is Just Frozen Breadsticks Twisted Together!

Delicious BreadYoutiao is a very popular breakfast dish in China. And just like so much of Chinese culture, it too has a very interesting history. It’s also incredibly easy to prepare.

Start by using frozen breadsticks, defrosting them fully if still frozen. Gently pry two apart and then, first laying them side by side, twist them slightly so that they stick together. Then, just drop them in a very hot deep fryer and wait for them to puff up golden brown. When done, remove them from the fryer and serve with lots of butter. If you don’t have breadsticks on hand you can use any kind of Deiorios frozen dough, as long as it’s been defrosted first.

The history of this bread stems from the Tang Dynasty, when prime minister Qin Hui and his wife framed the national hero, YueFei, for a crime he did not commit. YueFei was hanged and when the citizens of China heard about it, they needed a way to vent their anger. So, using their traditional dough they twisted two pieces together and threw them into their fryers, symbolizing how they wanted Qin Hui and his wife to suffer the same fate together.

Whether you choose to share this bit of history with your customers or not is up to you, but you definitely should serve them this delicious bread. And when you want more recipes or great legends of history, come see us at DeIorios for wholesome and delicious bread, served up with great bits of trivia!