Working with Frozen Bread Dough

Here at DeIorios, we don’t only sell wholesale pizza dough, but delicious frozen bread dough too, such as sub rolls, dinner rolls, and authentic Italian bread. We’re often asked by our customers certain things about our bread dough, such as whether or not it needs to rise; or if it can go from the freezer straight to the oven. That’s why we’ve put together this small guide to help you when dealing with your frozen dough, so you’ll get the tastiest bread possible.
That being said, you need to allow the bread dough to thaw and proof before placing it in the oven. The first step is to defrost the dough by placing it in a lightly greased pan and leave it in a cooler overnight to allow it to completely thaw. This is called retarding the dough. The next day remove it from the cooler and allow it to proof at room temperature or in a proofer until the bread is approximately at desired size. Once it has proofed, bake it at around 350 degrees for approximately 25 minutes.  Baking time and temperature can vary slightly depending on your oven.

If you don’t use your frozen dough right away, it can typically be wrapped in an airtight container and be placed back in the freezer. Remember though that dough will generally only stay in a freezer for three months; so buy as much as you need, and contact us at DeIorios when you need to replenish your stock!