Why Toss Pizza Dough?

pizzeria dough suppliers
When many of us think of the great art of making pizza, the first image to spring to mind is the chef, back in the kitchen, and so easily tossing that pizza dough up in the air and catching it again with their fist. The act of tossing dough now seems like a forgotten art with many choosing to simply roll out their pizza crust before baking. But, tossing dough is very important to the end product, and your customers will notice the difference.

When you roll out your pizza dough balls, you will be left with a cookie-cutter crust that tastes the exact same every single time. This is the opposite of what many restaurant owners want for their pizza, especially those that are trying for the authentic, rustic pizza style that quickly whisks customers away to the old country – with just one bite.

But tossing your dough can also give it a unique texture and flavor that can be impossible to achieve when rolling it out. This texture is light and soft, and is both more tender and crisper. Your customers will be able to taste the care that went into it and if you set your kitchen up right, they could also watch as you toss the next pie – something that adds to the pizza-eating experience for them, and will keep them coming back for more.