Why Should Burgers Have All the Fun? Put Onion Rings on Pizza Dough Too!

Why Should Burgers Have All the Fun? Put Onion Rings on Pizza Dough Too!

Frozen Pizza Dough SupplierFirst they started putting French fries on top of burgers. Then they moved onto putting fresh crisp onion rings on them instead. But we’d like to ask why hamburgers are always having all the fun. Pizza dough is an easy item to get creative with too, and onion rings are a great topping for it!

You can use onion rings on pizza just about any way you want to. Offer a specialty pizza that rings would complement such as a steak pizza, or a BLT pizza (we suggest you throw on the lettuce after cooking.) Specialty pizzas are always a big hit with customers, and there’s something great for you and them knowing that this pizza is only available at your location. Or, you could just offer onion rings as an add-on for any frozen pizza that you offer, giving customers the chance to have rings whenever they want.

And if you want to push it even further, then don’t let just burgers and pizza have all the fun either. Start putting onion rings on the frozen bagels you offer for lunch, or creating a specialty bagel. Pretty soon, you’ll have the most popular menu in town and people will be dying to try out some nosh at “that place with the rings.”