Why Frozen Dough Products Taste Better Than Homemade

frozen pizza dough

Most pizza chefs and restaurants go into the process of making pizza dough with one thought, and one
thought only: homemade dough is better than frozen pizza dough balls. But making your own dough right within the restaurant can not only cost you in time, but in taste, too. And if you want to give your customers the best dough, frozen dough products are, believe or not, the best way to go.

This is because dough that is made in a setting that is specifically made for wholesale dough, the entire building is dedicated to that one purpose: making the very best dough possible. This is for one reason and one reason only. Dough, especially dough that’s made for pizza, needs to be made under very specific conditions. The room, the utensils, the body temperature of the person making it – all of these need to be an exact temperature, or else the dough will not respond and cook to the best of its potential.

These conditions and temperatures are very difficult to achieve in your restaurant. The temperatures need to be very low. The temperature is even too low for a person to be comfortable working in; and if you have an eat-in restaurant, much too uncomfortable for person to sit comfortably and enjoy their meal. And while there are many reasons to buy frozen dough, this is the biggest among them.

When you need to give your customers the very best in pizza, get your dough from us here at DeIorios. We know what it takes to make good pizza, and we help you deliver it!