Why Can’t I Find a Pizza Dough Manufacturer with Gluten-Free Dough?

Why Can’t I Find a Pizza Dough Manufacturer with Gluten-Free Dough?

Finding a pizza dough manufacturer can be easy, even if you’re looking for specialty products such as thin pizza crust or whole wheat crust. But finding a distributor that has gluten-free pizza dough? That can be a Gluten Free Pizza Doughtrickier task, even though it’s important to many people, as millions suffer from celiac disease. But why is it so hard to find gluten-free dough; and where can you find it?

Finding gluten-free dough can be difficult for consumers because it can be difficult for manufacturers to make it. In order to be able to claim that a certain dough is “gluten-free,” it must not come into any kind of contact with any other flour or wheat except for the gluten-free ingredients that are being used to make it. Even in large factories all the dough is typically made in the same area, or cross-contamination due to shipping and transporting can easily happen.

It’s for this reason that many manufacturers cannot produce gluten-free dough and therefore, why distributors and consumers cannot find it.

But at DeIorios, we’ve got it! DeIorio’s Gluten Free pizza is delicious and is made in a facility where cross-contamination is not possible. This allows customers to offer it to their customers, and open their door to an entire market they were missing before.

If you’ve found it challenging to find proper dough to make your customers the best gluten-free pizza they’ve ever tasted, come check us out at DeIorios today. Our Tasti-Grain dough contains no gluten whatsoever, and we have lots of other items to fill up your menu, too!