Whole Wheat Pizza Dough is not Gluten Free Pizza Dough

Whole Wheat Pizza Dough is not Gluten Free Pizza Dough

DeIorios Gluten Free Pepperoni PizzaThere are so many different diets that people have these days, and so many different health considerations to think about when creating menus, that it can often lead to confusion among restaurant owners. Suddenly anything healthy falls into one category, and terms like “whole wheat” or “whole grain” get lumped into the same category as “gluten-free” foods. However, this is a big mistake and if you don’t know the difference, your customers could suffer.

Whole wheat pizza dough is made up of whole wheat flour, a grain that is more complex and contains more fiber and therefore, is ultimately healthier for you. While whole wheat products can be placed on light and heart healthy menus, they are not to be confused with gluten-free products.

Gluten-free pizza is made up of a gluten-free crust, which does not contain any wheat whatsoever, making it very different from whole wheat crust. In addition, gluten-free items also don’t contain any barley or rye, so when purchasing gluten-free, you need to be very sure of the ingredients, and know that none of these are included. Individuals that suffer from celiac disease have an allergy to gluten and so, rely on a gluten-free diet. Should they consume food that’s inaccurately advertised as being gluten-free, they will become quite sick.

Offering healthier alternatives is always a great way for restaurant owners to increase their customer base, and increase their profits at the same time. But when venturing into the health food area, it’s important to know what the differences are between the different foods, so you can know exactly what you’re offering your customers.