What’s the Difference between Montreal Bagels and New York Bagels?

bagels on wood

The two most distinctive types of bagels in the world are undoubtedly Montreal bagels and New York bagels. But, what exactly is the difference between the two? In fact, there are a few.

Bagels from the Big Apple are boiled instead of being steamed, as most other bagels are. This allows them to have a crisp, dark crust while still maintaining a chewy, doughy interior. New York style bagels are also made using malt and salt without any sugar. That’s quite different from Montreal bagels. Bagels from Montreal don’t use any salt in them although they do use sugar, something that is excluded from New York style bagels.Montreal bagels are also boiled before being baked, just like New York style bagels. However, Montreal bagels are boiled in honey water, giving them a slightly sweeter taste than bagels that are made in New York.

One more big difference between New York style bagels and Montreal bagels is that the New York style is much more popular than that of Montreal’s. Because of this, you can find bagels from New York just about anywhere, wherever you are in the world. And when you need the best bagels from NYC, you need to order them from DeIorios.

At DeIorios we have New York style bagels, New York style pizza dough, and all kinds of pizza garnishes too. Offer your customers the very best from NYC, wherever your restaurant is located. And when they ask what makes New York style bagels so special, you’ll be able to tell them!