What Wine Should You Serve with Pizza Dough?

What Wine Should You Serve with Pizza Dough?

Wine to Serve with PizzaWhen you’re serving adult customers, beer is often the first thought that might pop into your head when you think of beverages to serve with pizza dough – and promotions in which you can combine the two. But there’s another great adult beverage that can be served, and that many of your customers will actually prefer. It’s wine! And by knowing which one to serve alongside your wholesale pizza dough, you can make a lot of your customers even happier.

Truthfully, any kind of wine will go beautifully with pizza because pizza is Italian and people often consider wine to be the perfect drink alongside any Italian dish. However, if you want to delve deeper and choose the perfect wine, start by choosing a red. Because pizza traditionally has red sauce and is considered to be a heartier meal, red wine is the perfect pairing. So which red wine should you choose?

Because much of what you’ll be serving is Italian pizza dough, it makes sense that you should serve Italian wine. Think of wines such as Amarone, Barolo, Chianti, Lambrusco, and Salice Salentino when you’re making your choice and you’ll be off to a great start. Are of these are wonderful Italian red wines, and they’ll all go brilliantly well with any kind of pizza you’re serving your guests.