What Types of Frozen Pizza Dough Processes Are There?

You might think that when you’re ordering frozen pizza dough, they’re all made the same way. But in fact, there are several different types of processes and the one you choose could make a huge impact on the daily operations of your business; and how easy it is for you to get your dough ready.

Ready-to-proof pizza dough: This dough will be prepared and typically, it will already have risen once. When it arrives at your location, it will need to go through the second proofing (or rising) process, and this could take up a lot of time during your day.

Ready-to-bake pizza crust: This kind of dough will not need to be proofed at all when you receive it but can be simply defrosted and thrown straight into the oven. Many restaurants find that this is the best type that works for them, but there is one that could be even better.

Par-baked pizza dough: The term “par-baked” means “partially” baked, and this can be an even faster and easier solution for restaurant owners. With this type of dough you will still need to defrost it, but because it has already been partially baked, it won’t take nearly as long once it’s been placed in the oven.

While there are other ways to process dough to bake your pizza, these are the most common; and choosing the last two will make the entire process for you much easier. When you’re looking for ready-to-bake or par-baked dough, come see us at DeIorios where we have them all!