What Is The Best Bread For Grinders?

Grinder Sub Sandwich

Have you ever heard of a grinder? Have you ever wondered what makes this typical-looking sub a “grinder” instead of just another sub? It’s all in the history, and that comes from New England.

Some say that Massachusetts was the true originator of the grinder sandwich, although it’s branched out to include just about all of New England. Grinders are sandwiches, built on sub rolls that were traditionally served cold. This was because the term “grinder” came from the shredded, or “ground up” lettuce that topped the sandwich along with the meat, different cheeses, and other vegetables. In fact, grinders don’t need a lot of cold cuts or meat of any kind; they’re mostly about fresh produce.

While purists still cling true to the idea that grinders must be cold sandwiches, today they’ve branched out to include hot sandwiches as well including meatball grinders, pizza grinders, and roast beef grinders. But one thing hasn’t changed; and that’s the fact that the wholesale bread used must be of the best quality.

To answer the question, what is the best bread for grinders, soft, tender bread that melts in your mouth after biting into it is a must for any type of grinder. It doesn’t matter whether you use white flour bread or multigrain products, but it must be the freshest and best quality.

When you’re looking to add grinder rolls  to your menu, get your bread right here at DeIorios. Your customers will be able to tell the difference. Especially those that are looking for a truly authentic grinder!