What is Gluten Free Pizza Made Of?

What is Gluten Free Pizza Made Of?

Deiorios Chicken Bacon Ranch Gluten Free PizzaWhen it comes to food, some people depend on food being gluten free, as foods with gluten in it can cause considerable digestive issues or worsen pre-existing conditions.  Gluten is a chemical found in many grains and is considered a protein.  The grains that gluten protein are found in are essentially all grains, but specifically wheat, barley, and rye.  People that need to follow a gluten free diet need to avoid foods containing these ingredients, but due to the rise in popularity of this dietary need, substitutes like gluten free pizza are entering the mainstream market place – and you should be offering them in your pizza place, too!

Because most breads, doughs, and starch products are made from wheat, barley, or rye, any food item containing these ingredients would not be gluten free.  In order to get food like pizza in gluten free form, you would need to prepare the pizza with dough that has absolutely no gluten in it.  Gluten free pizza crust is one way to stay on the gluten free diet without having to worry about the complications that come with gluten protein.

A gluten free pizza shell would be made with ground flour from a variety of different sources, like almonds, rice, corn, and even beans sometimes.  Finding these flours for your restaurant can be difficult, and pricey; and it’s something you don’t need to do. Come to DeIorios where we have lots of gluten-free products to choose from and give your customers the best, without worrying about finding specialty ingredients.