What is DeIorio’s New York Style Pizza Program?

NY Pizza
Want to make the tastiest New York pizza, or sink your hands into authentic Italian pizza dough and make pizza just like they do in Naples? Do you also have the unfortunate problem of not having any dough to speak of, and certainly no equipment to cook it with? Then you might want to sign up for our DeIorio’s New York Style Pizza Program!

With this program, you get all the benefits of owning a franchise, without any of the hassles, cost, or inconvenience. There are no franchise fees, we’ll never ask you to pay any royalties, and you’ll never be charged seminar or information fees.

How does it work?

Simply sign up for the program when you’re interested in making the best pizza available, and take advantage of all we offer here at DeIorio’s. Need the dough that will act as the foundation for all your delicious toppings? We have it here, as well as any pizza garnish you may need. Need a proper pizza oven, or advice on what menu items to serve; or how to cook the dough? You’ll get all of that and more, just for being a member of the program!

We know you take pizza seriously, and we do, too. That’s why we’ve created an entire program that’s dedicated to helping you serve up just the right slice!