Want to Offer Something Unique? Go “Double Dutch” with Your Pizza Crust Toppings!

double dutch pizza
Sure, pepperoni might be the most popular pizza topping that we have here in the United States. But in the Netherlands, they have their own popular pizza toppings that they pile onto their pizza crust, and they call it “Double Dutch.”

“Double Dutch” is regular frozen pizza dough that’s topped with double portions of cheese, onions and beef. Because there are lots of toppings, and they weigh a good amount when all combined, it is advised that you use a thicker crust, and perhaps a pan that allows the pizza dough to go right up the sides, offering extra support. Of course, if you want to put your own spin on it, you can also offer double the crust and put the second crust on top of the pizza. This will make it more like a pie, and will again be there to give all those toppings extra support and hold.

There are lots of fun pizza traditions and “pizza culture” right here in our country. But lots of other countries have a way of making pizza also uniquely theirs, and ordering “Double Dutch” is the way to do it when you’re in the Netherlands. Or, when customers are coming into your restaurant in the USA!