Want to Buy Your Commercial Kitchen more Time? Buy Package Dough!

Want to Buy Your Commercial Kitchen more Time? Buy Package Dough!

par-baked pizza crustTime is something that’s highly in demand in every commercial kitchen, and that you can just never seem to get enough of. And if it’s a pizzeria that you’re running, you know just how quickly customers expect to get their slices. It can get really hectic at times, but you can take a shortcut to make all things run smoothly in your kitchen. You can buy par-baked package dough

A par-baked pizza crust is one that’s been partially (hence the “par”) cooked, and then frozen very quickly so that the crust doesn’t cook any more than it should, and to maintain its integrity. When you need it, you can pop into the oven as it is and it will cook in much less time, because not as much of it needs to cook as it would with completely raw dough. And because par-baked dough doesn’t need to be defrosted, this freezer to oven dough saves time in two different ways.

In commercial kitchens, it can often seem like there are not enough hours in the day. However, you can make more of the ones you already have by taking simple shortcuts, such as knowing what kinds of dough to buy. You’ll quickly see that even just a few minutes shaved off of each order’s preparation will get you those hours you’ve been looking for!