Using Wholesale Pizza Dough to Make Pizza Bites

Using Wholesale Pizza Dough to Make Pizza Bites

Wholesale BreadNeed to up the ante on your appetizer menu? While garlic bread and frozen breadsticks are a must on any menu, you also need to offer unique items that will pique customers’ interest and keep them coming back for more. Pizza bites are just the thing.

What are pizza bites?

Think of tiny little pizzas that you can eat in just a bite (or two at the very most) and that are deep-fried rather than baked in a pizza oven. You can make them using the wholesale pizza dough you’re using right now! Just roll it out flat, and then cut them into small circles, squares, or triangles that are about three inches across. The shape you choose will depend on what you want your pizza bites to look like; but squares that fold into triangles can be especially cute.

Once the commercial pizza dough has been rolled and cut, simply top each square (or other shape) with about a teaspoon of sauce, any toppings you’d like, and some cheese. When it comes to the toppings, remember not to choose too many. This could cause them to be overstuffed and burst during cooking. Also, when you’re adding toppings to the bites, leave a small space bare around the edge for sealing.

Before you seal it, brush that bare area with a bit of egg wash (lightly beaten egg.) Then simply fold the pizza bite over so that the two sides of the dough can meet. Seal lightly by pinching with your fingers or crimping with a fork and deep-fry. Usual cooking time is about 375 degrees for about 5 minutes.

Serve piping hot and just watch how much your customers love your new pizza bites!