Using Wholesale Bread to Make Focaccia

Using Wholesale Bread to Make Focaccia

Focaccia is a wholesome and delicious bread that can be served alongside soups, salads, or used to make sandwiches. But there are no special ingredients in focaccia, or unique way of cooking the bread. All you really have to do is roll it into the right shape, and serve it with the right dips. And that means you can use just about any kind of wholesale bread dough you choose.

To make focaccia, roll out the dough into a large oval shape. Then, using a wooden spoon or your fingertips, poke several small ‘dents’ into the dough. You don’t want holes, as you don’t want the dough to break through on the other side. Instead, you’re just creating very small pockets that will hold the oil and herbs that will be drizzled over top.

Olive oil and rosemary are the most traditional toppings for focaccia bread, but you can choose whatever combination of herb and oils you choose. Just be sure to be generous, as the toppings help to really define the bread. Then just place in an oven that’s been preheated to 450 degrees and bake for 10-15 minutes, until bread is golden and firm on the surface, but still soft and chewy inside.

To make this delicious dish available to all your customers, try making it with gluten free pizza crust and serve it alongside some thick and tasty balsamic vinegar and pure olive oil for dipping.