Using Frozen Bagels? They’ll Never Know!

bagel stack
You may have considered ordering frozen bagels from frozen dough manufacturers before, but have questioned how they will taste. Or how you will cook them. Maybe you’re already using bagels from the freezer, and find that they still have a slightly tough texture due to the freezing. So how do you bake them properly so that each and every bagel tastes like it was just baked fresh?

If you’re using high quality dough and still find that the bread is too tough for your, and your customers’ liking, check the stock date, preferably marked when you stocked the dough. If it’s been sitting in your freezer for longer than three months, this could be the sole reason for tough bread. If it’s been stored for fewer than three months, you may just need to keep some of the moisture in the bread during the reheating process.

A simple way to do that is by placing the bagels, in batches, in a steamer for just a few minutes – enough time to thaw them out. This gentle heat will warm the bagels to the point where they are warm, but definitely not toasty. And because the bread will be surrounded in steam, they also won’t lose any of their moisture.

Take the bagels out and place them in a basket or large container that’s lined with a kitchen towel. Fill up the container with the bagels, and place another tea towel on top to cover. This will keep the bagels fresh and moist and ready for toasting – or whatever else your customers want!

When you want bagels that will bake up fresh every time, come check us out at DeIorios. We’re known for our great frozen pizza dough and so much more!