Turning Bread Dough into Bird’s Nests

Turning Bread Dough into Bird’s Nests

Breads, Rolls and TunnelsWhen featuring breakfast items on your menu you can never go wrong with bird’s nests. They’re simple yet elegant, and super easy to prepare.



  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. In a medium-sized bowl, add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and beat until they are stiff.
  3. Meanwhile, slice and toast the prepared frozen bread dough. Press down lightly in the center of the bread so that a small depression forms. Butter the toast.
  4. Slip the egg yolk into the depression of the bread and spoon the egg whites around it, on the remainder of the bread.
  5. Place in the warm oven and bake just enough so that the egg is set. It’s preferable to bake it in the same dish you serve it in, so that the entire thing stays warm from oven to table.
  6. After removing from the oven, sprinkle with just a pinch of salt and pepper and serve!

You can vary this recipe by changing up the kind of bread you use, as well as adding things such as a pinch of cayenne pepper or finely chopped rosemary leaves to the egg whites before baking.