Turn Sub Rolls into Hotdog Wraps for Kids!

Hot Dog Subs

Have all those sub rolls in your restaurant’s freezer that you don’t know what to do with? Use them to pump up that one menu in your restaurant that always seems to go overlooked – the kid’s menu. It’s easy, and all you’ll need to make the most basic kid-friendly wrap are some hotdogs!

Whether you cook the dog inside or outside of the sub bun is up to you. But if you’re going to be adding cheese, chili, or any other ooey-gooey ingredients, it’s best to put the dog in the bun first, as this will let all of the ingredients cook together. It’s when you’re adding all of these toppings (and maybe green onions and sour cream for the adults?) that a proper bun is most recommended. This will be able to handle all of those heavy ingredients.

Sometimes with kids though, it’s best to leave it as basic as possible and for that, ordering tunnel rolls from frozen dough manufacturers can be a great answer. A hotdog can easily be popped into these crescent-looking rolls and cooked – it’s perfect just the way it is!

When you want more tips on what you can do with your sub buns, or any other of your wholesale bread products, contact us at DeIorios. We’re full of ideas!