Turn Pizza Dough into Crescents for National Croissant Day!

pizza dough supplier DeIorios

Turn Pizza Dough into Crescents for National Croissant Day!

January 30 is National Croissant Day, and there are many ways to celebrate it. Maybe you have some frozen dough products in your freezer that you can easily bake up. Or, maybe you have some pizza dough you can turn into these delicious pizza crescents.


  • 1 package dough
  • Pepperoni slices, about 40
  • ½ cup mozzarella cheese, grated
  • 1 ½ cups pizza sauce
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Pinch of sea salt

1.)    Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
2.)    Roll the dough into sheets if needed and cut each sheet into triangles about three inches across at the top. Separate triangles from rest of dough, roll out remaining dough and repeat cutting out the triangles. When all your dough has been cut, lay the triangles out on a generously-floured surface.
3.)    Onto each triangle spoon in this order: two tablespoons of sauce, several slices of pepperoni, and two tablespoons of mozzarella cheese.
4.)    Starting at the top of the triangle, roll each piece of dough until the tip of the triangle has been rolled. Make sure you pinch in the toppings as you roll to keep them from coming apart in the oven.
5.)    When all triangles have been rolled, shape them into crescents by gently bending the tips to form a half-moon shape. Place on a baking sheet.
6.)    Brush each piece of dough generously with olive oil, finish with a pinch of salt, and place into the preheated oven.
7.)    Bake for 10-12 minutes, until crescents have puffed up, are golden brown, and the cheese has melted.

Bake these for your customers and they’ll be crossing off the days until National Croissant Day is celebrated once again!

Frozen Dough Products