Turn Frozen Breadsticks into Garlic Knots

garlic knots
Buying frozen breadsticks for your pizza joint is never a bad idea. However, using them as only breadsticks is extremely limiting, especially when there are so many other things you can do with them. So, what can you do? Garlic knots are just the beginning!

Garlic knots look pretty impressive, but they’re so easy to make and will take you just a few minutes. Start by allowing your breadsticks to come to room temperature. Once they do, simply tie them in a knot by forming a small circle with two large ends overlapping each other at the top (but make sure they don’t stick together.) Curl one end under and through the circle, and then pull just as you’re tying a knot – because you are! Only this time it’s dough you’re twisting and tying, and not your laces!

Once your knots are tied, brush them with olive oil or vegetable oil and sprinkle them with garlic powder. Then they’re ready to just go in the oven! Place them at about 375 – 400 degrees Fahrenheit and bake them according to the package directions. When they come out of the oven, they’re ready to serve! Just beware, these are so good, you’ll have to make another batch soon afterwards – they won’t last long!

When you need to order breadsticks, commercial pizza dough, or any other bread product for your pizza place, contact us at DeIorios Foods Inc. We have all the products you’re looking for, and the ideas of what to do with them, too!