The Whole (Grain) Truth

The Whole (Grain) Truth

As you can see above, my name is Greg, but what you may not know is who I actually am.  Well I am new at DeIorio’s working with in Marketing and this is my first blogging assignment.  I hope it’s useful and you enjoy!

I am no expert on this subject what so ever, but I was curious (and have access to the internet) so here is what I have come to know about foods with the various “whole grain labels.”  No one is going to say that foods made with whole grain are bad for you, but just because a product has the words “whole grain” on them does not necessarily make them healthier. 

What it really boils down to is that some products labeled “made with whole grain” may actually contain very little actual whole grain in comparison to the amount of enriched or white flour in them.  This makes the product not quite as healthy for you as the package leads you to believe.  After all, products can make this claim by just using a small amount of whole grain.

One trustworthy claim that you may see on a product is 100% whole grain.  It is then that you know that the product is indeed good for you and not filled with other, not so healthy ingredients.  But not all products that are 100% whole grain display this fact with a label.  Confusing?  It can be, but there is one surefire way to know what truly is whole grain and what’s not.  Just read the ingredients list on the nutritional facts!  The first thing you read should be “whole wheat flour.”  If it’s not, don’t believe the claims on the packaging.  If it is then you’ve found a healthy product, so hopefully it tastes good too!

This blog is simply an opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinion of DeIorio Foods.