The Very First Artifacts of Pizza Dough

frozen pizza dough manufacturer
There is a lot of history behind the pizza pie, pizza dough, and any and all variations in between. But what’s the very first evidence of wholesome and delicious pizza as we know it today? To find the answer to that, you need to go all the way back to 79 AD, and look in the area of Mount Vesuvius.

This famous volcano that’s situated just off the Bay of Naples erupted on August 24, 79 AD, and completely covered and smothered the areas of Pompeii and Neopolis, which lay just to the south. It’s these two areas that make up what’s known as Naples today. After the infamous eruption that fateful day in August, crews began sorting through the wreckage in the aftermath. In it they found evidence of what could only be flat baked flour cakes, that were thought to be widely consumed at the time.

Upon sorting through the ashes of Pompeii shops and markets, large marble slabs and other tools needed to make, cut, and sell homemade pizza were also found. It’s here that’s thought may have been the very first pizza pies ever created!

This very interesting pizza history isn’t just stuff of legends. If you’re ever in Naples, be sure to visit the Museo Nazionale, which shows a statue of Pompeii. At the museum this statue is called il pizzaiolo, meaning “the pizza maker.”