The Secret to the Perfect Italian Dough

The Secret to the Perfect Italian Dough

Frozen Pizza DoughThe secret to Italian cooking all rests in the same key ingredient, Italian dough.  Is there something special to Italian pizza dough or pasta dough recipes that the rest of the world hasn’t figure out yet?

Most dough that is made the Italian way is not made like any other kind of dough. So, what is the secret? For many Italians it is the simple addition of olive oil, which adds a unique flavor to many of their leading recipes containing starch products.  As well, if you are making sauce out of tomatoes grown in Italy, there is a chance that it will taste differently.  The truth is, the first Italian pizza came from a recipe used in Pompei in the first Century AD and those ingredients and combinations are still being used today, in everything from package dough to homemade varieties. Because of this, the secret to the perfect Italian style dough is to not change a thing.  This is a culture that when it comes to food they know what they’re doing. And if it isn’t broke, you shouldn’t try and fix it.