The History of Wholesome and Delicious Pizza

The History of Wholesome and Delicious Pizza

In honor of National Pizza Month we decided to look into the origins of our favorite food, and here is what we found!

When the wholesome and delicious pizza that we know today actually first began is unknown. Historians and retail pizza doughsociologists agree that homemade pizza was probably being eaten as far back as medieval times; although an exact date of its origin is not known.

It is known however, that at some point throughout the 16th century, tomatoes began to get a reputation throughout Europe as being poisonous. Because of this, people stayed away from them as much as possible; and definitely didn’t consume them nearly as much as they do today. But by the 18th century, the poor people of Naples had no choice. They had to start adding tomatoes to their yeast bread and pizza was born!

Soon after this practice became common around Naples, word spread. Tourists to the city soon started venturing into the poorer areas of town, just to try this poverty-born delicacy. The first restaurant in Naples to start selling commercial pizza dough in the form of delicious slices was Antica Pizzeria Port’Alba. Not even officially a restaurant as of 1738, it was Antica Pizzeria that first began distributing their pizza slices among the peddlers in the area. Seeing how popular it was, and that tourists wanted a slice, they officially opened for business in 1830 – and then, they even had tables and chairs for people to enjoy their pizza pie!

When pizza was first born in Naples, it was thought that the only “true” kinds of pizza were Marinara and Margherita. These are two very popular types of pizza still today, and many purists still swear they’re the only “real” pizza in existence.