The Best Toppings for Honey Wheat Pizza Dough

The Best Toppings for Honey Wheat Pizza Dough

Honey wheat pizza dough can add a lot of versatility to your menu, and it will give your customers different options – and choice is always something that they love! But restaurant owners often don’t know what to top this specialty kind of pizza crust with, because of its distinct flavor. So, what should you use?

Frozen Pizza DoughBecause this type of crust has a sweeter flavor to it due to the honey, sweeter toppings are typically the ones of choice, so as not to contrast with savory ingredients. Dessert pizzas are naturally a great choice, but pizzas that have sweet toppings, such as the pineapple in Hawaiian pizza, is also a great choice. In fact, fruit of any kind is especially delicious on this type of dough, so feel free to use things such as pears and prosciutto, or apple slices with pork sausage. All delicious on a honey crust!

That doesn’t mean though that savory toppings are automatically out when you choose to serve this type of crust. You can still use them, just try to keep them very simple and basic. Things like gourmet cheese, such as brie or Swiss, or perfect pairings; as are any kinds of gourmet meats.

Once you start trying out different toppings, you’ll see just how many are suitable for honey dough. Just remember that this crust is all about taking it up another notch and adding that touch of gourmet to it all. Once you understand that, you won’t be able to stop thinking of toppings for this tasty treat.