The Art of Retail Pizza Dough and Pizzerias in Italy

The Art of Retail Pizza Dough and Pizzerias in Italy

Frozen Pizza Dough SupplierWhen a pizzeria opens up in the United States to start selling retail pizza dough piled up high with toppings, the process is often a long and complicated one. It often means building a business up from scratch, and going through a lot of paperwork and marketing measures. In Italy though, it happens quite differently and it’s got a lot of history behind it.

When new ownership is taken of a pizzeria in Italy, it’s not typically a new business entirely. Rather, parents often hand down the business to their children, showing them the entire business of making homemade pizza, rolling out the pizza crust, and shaping it into the perfect pie shape. There isn’t any marketing needed, because the community in which the pizzeria is located is often already very well-known.

In Italy, pizzerias are considered to be true dynasties, simply because they are so steeped in family heritage and history. It’s a tradition that started in Naples, to no surprise. Not only is this the birthplace of pizza, but it’s also the only region in Italy where one can find all the “true” ingredients for authentic Napoleon pizza.