Steamed Bread, and a Bit of History, with Bread Dough

Steamed Bread, and a Bit of History, with Bread Dough

Bread DoughSteamed bread originates in China, and has a very interesting history to it. First though, it’s super easy to make as long as you have a bit of bread dough and a couple old coffee cans lying around.

Start by rinsing out the cans and bringing a large pot of water to a boil. When ready, place the DeIorios dough into the can, making sure you don’t squeeze or press it in. Once the water has come to a rolling boil you can place the can inside and it will float on top of the water. Cover the pot and allow the package dough to steam for about 3 ½ hours before removing from the water, then the can, and serving.

The legend behind steamed bread says that it came from the time when Zhuge Liang, chief minister of the State of Shu between 220-280AD, had to cross the Lushui River with his vast army. Local barbarians told him that in order to cross, he’d have to first sacrifice some of his men and throw their heads into the river. The river gods would then allow them through. Not wanting to lose his own army, Liang instead had them bake several loaves of bread in the shape of a circle and throw them into the river. He thought this would trick the gods into thinking the task had been carried through, and he was right. The army was allowed to pass through the river with disruption.

For an extra special treat for your customers you can steam bread in smaller cans such as soup cans and serve them, along with this bit of history, as appetizers!