Shaping Frozen Pizza Dough into a Perfect Circle

spreading dough ball on counter

After ordering your frozen pizza dough and allowing it some time to defrost and become pliable, are you
disappointed that you can’t get it into that perfect circle shape? And while the pizza you serve may look authentic and rustic, you can’t ever imagine the day it will be that perfect pizza shape? It’s easier than you think – and there’s none of that tricky tossing involved!

Start by making sure that the frozen pizza dough is fully defrosted, right through to the center. Then place it down on a well-floured work surface and form it into a flat round circle, about two or three inches in height. Place your hand, with your palm facing down, flat out against the dough; gently press to flatten the dough further and spread it further towards the center. Move your hand up about one inch, to the next area of dough, and continue to press to flatten, using the palm of your hand.

Using your other hand, turn the dough slightly clockwise while you’re pressing and flattening the dough. This will gently roll out the dough without breaking any of the air bubbles inside. Once you’ve flattened the dough you can then, if you choose, pick it up by the crust and, while holding and turning, stretch out the dough a bit further.

When you want even more great tips on how to make the very best pizza in town, call us at DeIorios. We are the best pizza dough distributor with the very best dough products available!