Serve a “Pizza Supper” with Deep Fried Pizza Dough

fried pizza
Have you heard about deep fried pizza? That’s right, delicious pizza dough gets even better when you plunge it into hot oil and fry it up crispy brown. It might be new to you, but people in Scotland have been doing it for decades. Now, we bring their secret to you.

Where you get your deep fried retail pizza dough in Scotland will depend on what the deep fried pizza experience is like. If you get it in the east of Scotland, you’ll receive small deep fried pizza that consists of only dough and is available in half or full-size portions. If you choose to make that a “pizza supper,” you can also get chips with it, which is why it’s so popular with chip shops in Eastern Scotland.

If you go west, you’ll get a deep fried pizza that uses one pizza garnish – a brown gravy-like sauce that’s brushed inside the dough after it has been fried. It’s then folded in half and given to you to enjoy. If you request salt with it as well, you’ll typically receive both salt and vinegar to garnish your pizza even more.

Now that you know about this Scottish delicacy, start serving up pizza suppers in your restaurant, and find out just how popular they are!