Proper Temperatures for Storing Frozen Pizza Dough

frozen pizza shells from DeIorios

You can buy the best frozen pizza dough and other package dough that’s available. But if your equipment isn’t working properly, or if it’s not set to the right temperature, the quality of the dough won’t really matter. It can still either get freezer burnt from over-freezing, or go bad if it’s not cold enough. So, what is the perfect temperature for storing dough?

Any temperature between 0 and -3 degrees Fahrenheit will be cold enough to keep dough cold enough for it to stay safe; but not so cold that it forms ice crystals or freezer burn on it. These latter formations can greatly detract from the quality of the dough, and can even make it unusable if left for too long. Of course, if the temperature of the products is raised above zero degrees, it will begin to thaw and possibly become contaminated if not used right away.

Of course, it’s not just your freezer you have to be worried about, but that of your pizza dough manufacturer, too! Not only do you need to ensure that they’re keeping the food at proper temperatures in their facilities, but on the road too, during delivery. Refrigerated trucks and proper handling measures are necessary to ensure that your dough is being kept safe before it’s delivered to you.

At DeIorios, we’ll always give you tips on how to keep your dough as fresh and safe as possible; and we’ll deliver the highest quality dough each and every time. Call us today and find out for yourself!