Pizza Holes – An Idea for Your Frozen Pizza Dough

pizza holes

You can just keep buying frozen pizza dough and using it for all the pies that have made you so famous around the neighborhood. Or, you can look at it in a whole new way and start adding really creative items to your menu! One of the ways to do that is offering desserts, made from pizza.

Lots of pizza places offer ‘dessert pizza,’ a pizza that’s made in the traditional way but uses fruit syrup rather than tomato sauce, and fruit rather than meat and veggie toppings. But you can flip the idea of “dessert pizza” on its head by offering whole new items.

One of the ways to do that is by offering pizza holes. These are just like doughnut holes but of course, they’re made from pizza dough. Simply tear off a section of your pizza dough balls and roll it into a smaller ball shape. Drop it in a deep-fryer or in oil and fry until they are fully cooked.

While they’re cooking, scoop some cinnamon and sugar into a brown paper bag. Immediately after the pizza holes come out of the fryer, drop them into the brown bag and shake until all the holes are thoroughly covered with the cinnamon mixture.

Pizza holes are a new concept, and by adding them to your menu, you’ll be able to create a buzz about your pizza place, and the unique items you offer!