Pizza Dough as an Investment?

Pizza Dough as an Investment?

pizza dough ballPizza dough might be one of your favorite go-to meals, but an investment? While it’s true that pizza has never gotten huge attention from investors, that has started to change. And just like many have started to look at pizza as a health food, others have started to look at it as an investment. And a profitable one at that!
Yes, pizza crust in all its many forms has started to show up on Wall Street with the likes of Domino’s and California Pizza Kitchen. But even if you’re not running a pizzeria or restaurant that’s as big a chain as these two, the reasons portfolios containing these are doing so well might help you when looking for investors for your own pizza shop.
It’s thanks to the fact that the cost of cheese and grain are down that’s helping make pizza such a big hit on the stock market; both much lower than the all-time high prices they cost in 2009. And analysts are predicting that the price of both of these toppings will continue to fall for at least another quarter or two, making both of them great choices for investment for the next little while.
So even if you’re not ready to make your company public and start trading your dough and pizza garnish on Wall Street, you can use the new numbers to help get the attention of some private investors of your own!