Patrick Stewart Eats His First Slice of New York Pizza Dough!

Patrick Stewart Eats His First Slice of New York Pizza Dough!

Pizza DouhYou may know him as Captain Jean Luc Picard but really, Patrick Stewart is just any ordinary guy. Then why did he cause such a stir lately when he admitted that he’d never eaten pizza dough before?

It was through Twitter, the social network used by so many celebrities, that Stewart shared a picture of himself eating a piece of pizza. Along with the image he also stated, “My first ever pizza slice. Please note: the authentic NYC fold.” This caused quite a stir, as no one could figure out how such a huge name could have made it through so many years without ever eating the common delicacy. Turns out, he hasn’t.

It wasn’t the actual pizza, or even the actual dough Stewart was referring to. It was the fact that it was authentic New York pizza dough he was eating, as it was his first time eating a real NYC slice – ever. While the former Star Trek star may have eaten pizza before, and maybe even shared frozen pizza with his son (as proven in an interview with IGN FilmForce,) Stewart had never had that oh-so-thin pizza you find on the streets of New York – only to quickly fold before consumption.

And while this story may not have been the shocking admission it may have seemed at first, it is still pretty incredible that Mr. Stewart had never enjoyed a slice of NYC pizza, and it is still pretty interesting!