On March 6, Celebrate All Frozen Dough Products!

On March 6, Celebrate All Frozen Dough Products!

Frozen Dough ProductsThere’s a food holiday coming up that we couldn’t be more excited about! It’s one that seems to be specifically designed for people like us that sell frozen dough products, and people like our customers – that buy those frozen products. Yes, March 6 is National Frozen Foods Day! It’s a time when we dispel the myths surrounding frozen food and show everyone that these can still be wholesome and delicious foods that everyone can enjoy.

So, this March 6, get out your frozen wholesale bread and make some sandwiches. Or whip up a few complimentary batches of frozen rolls and breadsticks for your customers. Or use your frozen bagels to create a new breakfast menu item for your customers to enjoy at a discount. You could even really up the ante and hold a taste testing right in your restaurant. Allow them to try (blindfolded of course,) one piece of freshly made bread and one piece of frozen bread to see if they can tell the difference. We’ll tell you right now that if you fill your freezer with DeIorios bread, they won’t be able to tell the difference at all. And while a taste test might seem extreme, it’s a great way to shine the light on just how good frozen food can be.

We’re delighted that with a whole day and the entire month dedicated to frozen foods, March really does seem to be one of the best months for restaurateurs!