Olive Loaf: Another Idea for Your Homemade Pizza Dough

olive loaf
Olive loaf is a traditional Italian bread but, just like spaghetti and ravioli, it’s now become popular throughout the world. If you’ve never heard of olive loaf before, it’s essentially a loaf of bread that’s been stuffed with olives and, if you choose, many other toppings. And when you want to add olive loaf to your menu, you can use your homemade pizza dough to do it!

How you use your pizza dough to make olive loaf is up to you; there are two different methods. The first is to roll out your dough; using frozen pizza sheets that have been defrosted can be especially handy for this. Then just sprinkle a layer of varied olives, sliced, on top. Roll up the pizza dough, starting with the long edge, and pinch in the seal once it’s all been rolled. Brush with olive oil, sprinkle with salt, and place in a 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes until it’s fully cooked through.

The second method of making olive loaf uses frozen pizza balls. Again using sliced olives, and of all different varieties, simply stuff them into the frozen pizza ball. The olive should slip into the dough and although it will create a space, the dough should fill that in on its own, so that the olives are baked right into the bread.

Along with olives, many other fillings can be used in olive loaf as well including tomatoes, feta cheese, chopped spinach, and fresh herbs. Once you’ve created your own olive loaf, serve with a variety of cheeses or, just as a unique garnish with your very best dishes!