Offering Healthier Pizza Dough Options Brings More Customers

Offering Healthier Pizza Dough Options Brings More Customers

These days everyone’s thinking about eating better and living healthier, and for a lot of people that means cutting back on some of their favorite traditional comfort foods- like pizzeria style pizza. That can spell bad news for pizza shop and restaurant owners, but there are ways to offer your customers healthier pizza options, and draw them in to your business.

Of course when you first start thinking about making certain parts of your menu healthier, whole wheat pizza dough is an obvious choice.  For those that want to get all the health benefits of whole wheat while changing up the flavor of their pizza crust, honey wheat pizza dough is also available. This can be especially delicious with toppings such as pesto sauce, chicken, lean ham, and pineapple.

Gluten free pizza crust  can also be a good option, just be sure to include healthy toppings like vegetables and lighter-style sauces.
Everyone’s starting to think more about their own health these days. And if you can offer your customers healthy alternatives that have all the taste and flavor they’ve come to love, they’re going to choose you over the competition every time.