Offering Fresh and Frozen Bagels

Bagel Dough
Offering bagels to your customers is a great way to satisfy everyone’s appetite and there are many different kinds you can offer. When you want to give your guests authentic New York Bagels, ordering frozen bagels is often the easiest way to do it. But if you want to offer your customers fresh, hot bagels straight out of the oven you can do it, using simple homemade pizza dough.

It’s easy, really. Just take the pizza dough that you normally use and slice it apart into chunks that are about four inches around. Sprinkle generously with flour so it won’t stick to the work surface and then roll it out so that it becomes a long, round strip of dough. Remember that this is roughly how thick your bagel will be, so don’t roll it too thin!

Then, just bring the two ends up together and twist them or, tuck them into the opposite sides of the dough to form a perfect circle. Then just brush the entire thing with olive oil and sprinkle with any toppings that you like. Dried onions, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, and cheese are just a few that work very well. Then pop them into a 400 degree oven and allow them to bake for about 10 minutes or until the dough is puffed and golden.

When ready, remove your fresh bagels from the oven and put them right beside your NYC bagels. They’ll both go so fast you won’t be able to tell which one is the most popular!