Offer Take N’ Bake Pizza with Self-Rising Pizza Dough!

national cheese lovers day

Want to introduce not just a new menu item to your restaurant, but an entirely new service? What if the service that could boost profits by thousands every year, and increase your customer base? Then you need to consider offering take n’ bake pizza!

Take n’ bake pizza is pizza that you create at your restaurant and either freeze or refrigerate, and that customers come in and pick up to take home and bake. This type of package dough allows customers to get the “homemade” and home-cooked experience that they like, but without all the muss and fuss of making their own Italian pizza dough.

When you offer take n’ bake pizza, you can pile the pizza as high as you want with toppings; top them with only sauce and cheese; or leave them completely bare, allowing customers to use all of their own favorite items. Better yet, sell kits of toppings and sauce too, and increase your profits even more. Most often, customers like to have the pizza fully prepared, without being cooked, but with toppings already on. Because of that, the service will probably be most successful if you can offer different pizzas, each with different toppings.

If you want to start offering a take n’ bake service at your restaurant, self-rising pizza dough is a very convenient way to help you do it. You can quickly top the dough, wrap it, and store it. Then all you have to do is wait for those customers to start flooding in, wanting their pizza they can take home and bake!