Need a Quick Dessert? Create Doughboys Using Package Dough!

Need a Quick Dessert? Create Doughboys Using Package Dough!

Freezer to Oven DoughYou may have heard of doughboys before, but have you ever served them in your restaurant? They’re a perfect food in the way that they’re easy to prepare, your customers will love them, and you can use freezer to oven dough, or any other package dough that you already have in stock.

If you’re using frozen dough, make sure that you defrost it first so that you can cut it out into shapes. Those shapes you’re looking for are large, odd-looking ovals, much like elephant ears if you want to keep it really traditional. Once you have the shapes cut, you can then simply drop the dough into a hot deep-fryer with an oil temperature of approximately 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure that you don’t overcrowd the fryer, cooking the doughboys in batches, if necessary.

Cook the doughboys for about three minutes on one side, flip with tongs and cook for two to three minutes on the other side. When finished, drain on paper towels to remove excess oil and arrange on a plate. In the center place different dipping sauces including maple syrup, jam, caramel, and of course, chocolate sauce.

Doughboys cost you next to nothing to make, only take a few minutes of your time, and your customers will go crazy for them!