Wheat Products Welcomed in School Cafeterias

Wheat Products Welcomed in School Cafeterias

Freezer to Oven DoughWhen the new federal regulations and requirements, concerning what school cafeterias are serving to their students, went into effect in October, many wondered what kind of reaction would be seen afterward. Requiring schools to begin serving more fresh fruits and vegetables, and change items such as pizza dough from using white flour to using wheat products, some thought that kids would recognize the difference. And that they wouldn’t like it.

The critics were right on one account; the kids noticed. And they not only liked it – they preferred it!

The thanks, says many school officials, goes to the fresh and frozen dough suppliers that are keeping up with the changes; and providing the very best products available. It’s these products, they say, that are providing children with fluffier breads and cookies while giving them something nutritious and that will last them through the day at the same time. If there are any complaints it’s that certain menu items, such as chicken nuggets, have had their portions reduced.

Foods other than breads are also making a big hit in schools throughout the nation. What are the favorites? Aside from the lighter, moister cookies, it’s the romaine lettuce that’s been replaced with the former, less nutritious, iceberg lettuce!