Making Sure You Weigh Package Dough Before Serving It!

Making Sure You Weigh Package Dough Before Serving It!

If you’re ordering pizza dough balls or any type of package dough that you divide up before serving, it’s a must that you weigh the different portions individually before serving. If you don’t, you could be risking not only unmanageable dough, but a loss of profits.

Frozen Pizza DoughWhile you can find dough balls in individually packaged sections, often it also comes in one large ball; especially if it’s for a large pizza and you want to offer your customers personal pan pizzas. When you separate the dough into those individual portions, simply eyeballing it is not good enough. You will have uneven dough balls, some much too large, and some much too small. And if you’ve experienced problems getting your dough into that perfect shape, not weighing your dough first may be the problem.

This is because when you shape dough, either by hand or by machine, it will react differently depending on how much dough you are using. Use too little, and the dough will be far too thin – even for thin pizza crust. Use too much however, and you’ll be left wondering what to do with all that extra dough gathering around the edges. Weigh the dough beforehand and each and every time, you’ll get a perfectly shaped product.

Of course if you use too much dough per serving, you’re losing profits simply because you don’t need to use that much in order to offer a great product. And in fact, using too much dough can actually make the product worse. Use only what you need, use less product to deliver the best, and see what a difference it makes.

Weighing your dough during portioning is very important for a number of reasons. But most importantly if you don’t, it can really hurt your business.