Make a Bismarck Pizza by Dropping an Egg onto Pizza Dough

Make a Bismarck Pizza by Dropping an Egg onto Pizza Dough

 Par Baked ShellsThere’s no doubt that by now, you’ve seen an egg dropped onto pizza dough, and then thrown into the oven until it’s heavenly set. But did you know that this type of pizza actually has a name, and that it’s got a history that might go deeper than you think.

An egg being used as a type of pizza garnish is done in honor of Otto von Bismarck, one of the most powerful leaders in Germany’s history. Among his many political accomplishments, Bismarck was known for eating a dozen eggs at a time, saying that in order to work hard, one had to be well-nourished. That’s why, when a pizza was first dedicated to him, it had an egg dropped into its center and it was donned the ‘Bismarck pizza.’

The idea of dropping eggs onto Italian pizza dough first became popular with breakfast pizzas, with bacon and sausage and other breakfast items used as toppings. Try mixing it up from there and offering Bismarck pizza with traditional pizza toppings such as mushrooms, green peppers, and pepperoni, or with something really rich such as beef tenderloin for a steak Bismarck pizza!