Lox and Cream Cheese: The Traditional Toppings for Your Frozen Bagels

Bagel and Lox
Sometimes you want to offer only the most traditional, and the most authentic, fare in your restaurant or café. When that’s the case, you choose things like only real Italian pizza dough, and only authentic New York style pizza dough. But what about your frozen bagels? You can turn these into traditional items too simply by adding lox and cream cheese. And best of all, they’re known as traditional American food!

Lox is another name for salmon, but not just any salmon. This type of salmon has been smoked, usually for several hours, until it’s nearly purely pink; when it’s then shaved so thinly that you can often read a piece of paper through it! When preparing bagels (that have been toasted of course,) the bagel is then spread with a generous portion of cream cheese, and the lox is layered on top.

For an added touch, thinly sliced red onions are also layered on top or underneath the lox, and sometimes thin slices of tomato, too. Also, sprinkling a few capers in and around can add a nice briny, salty touch, and make it a bit more authentic too.

You want to be true to your roots (or at least, someone’s roots,) and you want to show that through the food you serve your patrons. When doing so, don’t just give a discerning eye to the breads and pizza dough you serve, but your bagels too!